Gray brocket deer Facts
Gray brocket deer Facts
Interesting Gray brocket deer Facts: |
Gray brocket deer can reach 33 to 41 inches in length and 24 to 55 pounds of weight. |
Gray brocket deer is covered with grayish-brown coat. It has pale flanks and white hairs on the bottom side of tail. Light brownish coat is typical for gray brocket deer that inhabit grasslands. Animals from the forests have darker, gray-colored coat. |
Males have antlers. They are 28 to 39 inches long and covered with velvety skin. Gray brocket deer replace old antlers with new ones every 18 months to 2 years. |
Gray brocket deer is nocturnal animal (active during the day). It uses available vegetation as a shelter against the predators during the day. |
Gray brocket deer is herbivore (plant-eater). Its diet is based on fleshy and dry fruit. When fruit is not available, it eats root, leaves, twigs, flowers and bark. |
Gray brocket deer compensates lack of water during the dry season by eating large quantities of roots and leaves of succulent plants and fruit of cacti and bromeliad plants. |
Gray brocket deer is solitary creature. Small groups composed of 3 to 4 animals are occasionally seen in the wild. |
Gray brocket deer is territorial animal. Females occupy smaller territories that often overlap. Females and immature animals leave scent marks inside their territories. Males occupy larger territories and use scent to mark their outer borders. |
Gray brocket deer produce 4 different types of scent marks: urine, feces, trashing and forehead rubbing. They also communicate via sounds and specific body postures. |
Natural enemies of gray brocket deer are jaguarondi, ocelot, mountain lion, large raptors, dogs and humans. |
Gray brocket deer is able to reproduce all year round. |
Pregnancy in females lasts 8 months and ends with one (rarely two) fawn covered with dots. Female takes care of the baby as long as it depends on her milk (probably until the age of 6 months). Fawn remains hidden in tall grass during this period. |
Females are able to become pregnant soon after they give birth (during breastfeeding period). |
Gray brocket deer reach sexual maturity at the age of 12 to 18 months. |
Gray brocket deer can survive 13 years in the wild. |
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